The Ongoing Debate: The Relevance of Cover Letters in the Age of AI

In 2017, we delved into the contentious topic of the cover letter’s role in graduate recruitment. Fast forward to today, and the debate remains as pertinent as ever, especially with the advent of AI-driven tools in CV and cover letter creation. While some argue that cover letters are becoming obsolete, it’s crucial to revisit and reassess their value in our increasingly digitalised recruitment processes.

The notion that cover letters are unnecessary, championed by some recruitment specialists, stems from an evolving job market where efficiency and technological advancements take precedence. However, this perspective overlooks the intrinsic value cover letters offer – a personal narrative that CVs alone cannot convey.

Recent advancements in AI have introduced a new dimension to this debate. AI-driven services promise efficiency in crafting CVs and cover letters, tempting graduates to opt for these shortcuts. The appeal is understandable; why invest time in a component of the application process that might not even be considered?














The Case for Cover Letters

Cover letters offer a unique insight into a candidate’s personality, something a CV alone might fail to convey. In a world where efficiency often outweighs personalisation, cover letters allow graduates to showcase their individual stories, motivations, and why they’re the ideal fit for a role, beyond just academic achievements or professional experiences.

AI and Personal Touch

While AI-driven services streamline the application process, they often miss the nuances that make each candidate unique. A personalised cover letter can make a candidate stand out in a sea of AI-generated applications, offering a glimpse into their genuine aspirations and personality.

Beyond the AI Assistance

AI tools can be beneficial for organising thoughts and ensuring key points are covered, but they fall short of fully capturing a candidate’s essence. At Step, we believe in the enduring importance of the cover letter to add a human dimension to applications, enabling candidates to distinguish themselves in the competitive job market for graduate jobs.

The Future of Graduate Recruitment

As we merge tradition with innovation in recruitment, it’s crucial to maintain the personal elements that make the hiring process meaningful. Cover letters, whether traditional or adapted for the digital age, provide invaluable insights into candidates, ensuring that we look beyond qualifications to find truly remarkable individuals in the realm of graduate recruitment agencies.

Interested in enhancing your graduate recruitment process or on the hunt for a graduate job? Contact Step today to discover how our expertise can help you

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