Common application mistakes and how to avoid them

Applying for jobs can be a daunting process, especially when you’re just starting out. To help you make a stronger impression on employers and avoid common pitfalls, we’ve put together a list of typical application mistakes and how to fix them. Whether you’re in your early career or looking to change job, these tips will…

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Next Moves: Making the Most of Your Summer Internship (After it Ends!)

Congratulations! You’ve just completed your summer internship. Now what? Don’t let that hard work and newfound knowledge go to waste. Here’s how to turn your internship experience into a springboard for your future career: Secure those references Don’t underestimate the power of a glowing reference! Before you leave, schedule a meeting with your supervisor to…

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3 top tips for managing your new graduate hire

Having worked with graduates for the past 12 years and run my own smaller, growing business for 7 of those years, I’ve developed strategies to get the best out of new graduates in the workplace.  Here are my top 3 tips.   Set your graduate a mini project to work on in the first week,…

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Step’s Guide to Effective Exam Preparation

Preparing for exams is nerve-wracking and for many students, it can be difficult to devise an effective revision strategy.  It doesn’t need to be complicated and can be relatively simple to action. The first thing you need to do is be aware of all of the factors that will affect your exams. This includes the…

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Merin’s journey to overcoming the challenges of pursuing a career in Mechanical Engineering

Merin’s search for placement started in January 2022 after completing a taught year at the University of Greenwich, studying a Masters in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering with Industrial Practice. With no prior work experience and his international student status, he found it difficult to secure a role after multiple rounds of interviews in about 5…

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Does your company need a summer intern?

As the summer months approach, many companies start to consider the possibility of bringing on an intern. While internships can provide significant benefits, it’s important to determine if a summer intern is the right fit for your company’s needs. Here’s a guide to help you make that decision. Identifying your summer goals First things first,…

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Summer Internship Programs: Building a Win-Win for Companies and Interns

Summer is upon us, and with it comes a surge of eager students seeking valuable work experience. But for companies, creating a successful summer internship program isn’t just about filling empty desks. It’s about nurturing young talent, injecting fresh ideas, and potentially building your future workforce. So, how do you design a summer internship program…

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Emerging Tech Trends and Their Impact on Tomorrow’s Graduate Job Market

As technology changes the way we conduct business, the job market evolves too. This brings new challenges for businesses but also exciting career opportunities for those entering the job market. Students and recent graduates have a lot of options opening up before them, but it is important to understand how the latest innovations are shaping…

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Early Careers: Navigating Your First Steps in the Professional World

Embarking on your early career journey while still at university isn’t just about being proactive; it’s a foundation for distinguishing yourself in today’s competitive job market. Engaging in student internships or part-time roles related to your field of study is not just an addition to your CV; it’s a leap forward in your early career.…

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Engineering success: Kumari Mutiki’s strategic path to a dream role in engineering

Kumari Mutiki, a graduate from the University of Greenwich, completed a Masters in Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Industrial Practice. She adopted a unique method of shortlisting to support her placement search process. After thorough search, she created a final list of websites to use during her search of a relevant placement opportunity- Bright Network,…

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