How Graduates Drive Innovation and Business Success

Imagine unlocking the full potential of your business with fresh, innovative minds. This isn’t just a thought experiment—it’s a reality many of our clients are implementing into their strategy. The fresh perspectives and innovative ideas of recent graduates are playing a crucial role in driving businesses towards new levels of success and development. Let’s take…

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Why You Should Join a Club or Play Sports in University

Taking part in university sports is a great way to make friends and boost your health, and this is true even if you’ve never really been the sporty type. The sports clubs and events at university cater to all levels and abilities, including complete beginners as well as those more athletically inclined. Even if you…

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Advantages of Using Step for Hiring University Graduates

Using the service provided by Step has a number of benefits that will not be available through similar free services offered by universities. One of these benefits is the value of Step’s network and database for employers. There have been several recent examples of successful businesses with close links with one or more local universities…

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Balancing Internship Responsibilities and Academic Commitments

Internships are often considered the golden ticket to acquiring invaluable real-world experience in your chosen field. They offer a sneak peek into the professional world you’ll be stepping into post-graduation. However, the challenge lies in maintaining an equilibrium between your internship responsibilities and academic commitments. Striking this balance not only enhances your employability but also…

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The Top 5 Benefits of Working With a Specialist Graduate Recruitment Agency

The recruitment process for any company is a costly and time-consuming affair, especially so when the company works in a niche industry. Identifying the ideal candidates, fresh graduates with the necessary skills and potential becomes a lot more challenging when those skills are rare or highly-demanded in the job market. The solution to this problem…

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A Student’s Guide to Maximising Opportunities at Graduate Careers Fairs

Students and graduates have a lot of opportunities available to them, but it is important to know where they are and how to make the most of them. One such opportunity is a graduate careers fair, where you can meet potential employers and practice your networking skills. Most universities host a career fair at least…

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How to Survive Your First Weeks at University

Starting at university can be overwhelming with all the sudden changes to your life. This is perfectly normal as you are away from home in an unfamiliar city surrounded by strangers.  But don’t panic! We have a survival guide here for you to help you navigate through the first weeks of university while making the…

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Graduate Job Market Trends in 2023

Predicting the future of the graduate job market is more of an art than a science. However, certain indicators can provide valuable insights. A recent survey by the Institute of Student Employers (ISE) revealed a 20% increase in graduate recruitment in 2022 compared to 2021. This trend is expected to continue into 2023, although not…

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Top Tips to Stand Out as an Intern in a Competitive Job Market

Working on an internship placement is an important step at the beginning of a great career, it’s vital you make a good impression during your internship. By standing out as an intern, you increase your chances of being permanently hired at the end of the placement. Impressing your colleagues and managers during your internship is…

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6 Tips on Getting The Most Out of Graduate Internships 

Whether you’re a student exploring your career options or a new graduate with a clear career path in mind, internships offer exciting prospects to gain hands-on experience, understand the industry, and discover more about yourself. Internships can look very different depending on the company and the field. While online internships have grown in popularity, it’s…

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