4 Top Tips for anyone studying abroad in the UK

4 Top Tips for anyone studying abroad in the UK Studying abroad remains a popular choice for many students all over the world. Not only does it give you the chance to immerse yourself in a new culture and gain life experience, but it may also give you access to some of the best universities…

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Three things you can do before leaving for uni to help prevent theft

University students are often a target of theft for a variety of reasons. They tend to have a lot of valuable items with them, including laptops, smartphones, and textbooks. Many students live in off-campus housing that may not be as secure as on-campus accommodation. When on campus, university students are often busy and may not…

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Student and Graduate Mental Health: The Stigma & How to Overcome It

Mental health is a sensitive topic for many people. For students and graduates, it can be an even more complicated issue to deal with, as they often feel the pressure to succeed academically while also managing other responsibilities and stresses. Unfortunately, there is a stigma attached to mental health issues that can make it even…


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Which superhero would you be? Dealing with unexpected interview questions

Most questions at an interview are fairly straight forward, “Describe a time when you worked as a part of a team”, “give me an example of…”, “what motivates you?” etc… However it’s highly likely that you’ll get at least one question that you haven’t quite prepared for and it can throw you off guard. Unusual…

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Five Beige Terms To Avoid in Job Applications

I have a shiny £5 note here for anyone who can tell me who the first person was who used this phrase in a CV or job applications. It seems strange, as clearly at some point there was a trend for taking basic human functions and displaying them as core employment competencies. As usual, clarification…

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Three Top Tips for Managing your time during Exam Season

Three Top Tips for Managing your time during Exam Season As exams approach, students can feel overwhelmed by the amount of material they need to review. It can be difficult to know where to start, or how to use your time in the most effective way. Time management is key during exam season. By creating…

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5 Ways it Pays Off to Study Abroad – GUEST BLOG

We’ve recently emphasised the many benefits of completing a Year-in-Industry placement in a blog for York St John University. However, for many students, particularly those studying language or international business, taking a year to study abroad can be equally as influential and beneficial in their future careers. Our friends at Storage World explain why. Not…

Storage World

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The Power of Networking

Networking  Towards the end of university I remember a certain message being circulated via lecturers, that message was “it’s who you know and not what you know that counts”. As a student about to graduate, I was guilty of being a little blinded and naïve. At the time I was working towards a degree in…

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9 Reasons why Graduates get Rejected and How to Deal with Them

So you’ve been through 5 stages of interviews yet you still get the call “I’m sorry but you were unsuccessful this time”. While we all know that this is demoralising and hurts, the most important thing to remember is that each interview allows you more chance to practice, and is always a learning curve. This…

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