After Graduation; What Now?

You studied hard, wore a gown and a hat that doesn’t quite fit on your head and have been handed your degree, yes you have graduated and you may be asking yourself what now? You may want to throw yourself into building your career and why not? You have just spent the past three or…

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Toby Tetrault: Awards & more; Successes of an International Business Internship

Our guest blog is written by Toby Tetrault, an International Business graduate from Nottingham Trent University, who completed an International Market Research Internship with Step and is now a permanent employee at TecQuipment; a highly successful engineering / manufacturing company who supply specialist engineering equipment to educational establishments worldwide based in Nottingham.   I never had…

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Laura Gillespie: The Pros of Property Development

Our guest blog is written by Laura Gillespie, an International Business & Management graduate from Aston University, who recently completed a 24 week Graduate Marketing/Sales Internship with Step at Heyford Park, Dorchester Living; a property developer based in North Oxfordshire.   Prior to University I had little idea about what I wanted to do as a…

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Prem Pithwa: Let’s go fly a kite!

Our guest blog is written by Prem Pithwa, an Aerospace Engineering graduate from Queen Mary, University of London who recently completed a 6 month Aerodynamic Engineering Step Internship Kite Power Solutions; a pioneering developer of airborne wind energy systems based in Essex.    After graduating in Aerospace Engineering (MEng), with 1st Class (Hons), I was in search…

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Elliot Spaull: From Super Nintendo to .NET Developer

Our guest blog is written by Elliot Spaull, a Computer Science (Games Programming) graduate from Kingston University, who recently completed a 12 week  .NET Developer Internship with Step at IC Design; an independent branding, web and print agency based in Central Hammersmith.   Coming out of University and starting the job search was kind of…

Elliot Spaull

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The Importance of a strong LinkedIn Profile

As a current student or recent graduate it’s highly likely that you have already created a LinkedIn profile. Probably because your parent / tutor / careers advisor told you to make one. But you probably aren’t quite sure why you’ve done it, or what to do with it now you’ve got it. You’re fairly sure…

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Freya Verlander: APSCo & the World of Recruitment

Our guest blog is written by Freya Verlander, a English and Comparative Literature student from University of Warwick, who is currently on an APSCo Placement with Step at GCS Recruitment; one of the UK’s leading multi-sector recruitment businesses covering Technology, Financial Services & Engineering based in London.   On my first day I was warmly welcomed to…

Freya Verlander

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Louise Hill: Supernoodles & Safety Goggles

Our guest blog is written by Louise Hill, an Environmental Health graduate from Manchester Metropolitan University who is currently on a Risk Assessment Placement at AMCOL International; a leading producer and marketer of diverse specialty materials, with a core expertise in minerals and polymer sciences based in Cheshire.   Finishing university can be quite daunting and I know…

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Larping; why thinking ‘outside the box’ is essential

I’m pretty sure that if the name Diane was in the dictionary, the definition would be ‘massive geek’. I say this happily and confidently after I spent my bank holiday weekend at Larp. If you’ve seen the film Role Models, you’ll know what I mean by this. If you haven’t, go watch it! If you…

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Giuseppe Silvestri: “Spotting a Rare Beast”; What to do with a Biology Degree

Our guest blog is written by Giuseppe Silvestri, a Reproductive Medicine MSc graduate from University of Kent, who is currently on a six month Step molecular biologist placement at Cell Projects Ltd; a biotechnology business that develops and manufactures an extensive range of products used for DNA sampling and Molecular Biology based in Kent.   I started…

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