10 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Deciding To Study Abroad – GUEST BLOG

10 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Deciding To Study Abroad Studying abroad is an exciting way to add to your educational experience, but like everything else in life, you’ve got to prepare yourself for it. It’s an eye-opening and life-changing venture that lets you gain a lot of worldly experience, but it may take you…

Anita Sambol

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Virtual Internships – Are they worth it?

Last week I read a news article about virtual internships and did some research around the subject to investigate if they are worthwhile. Virtual internships are relatively new and are becoming increasingly popular. They essentially allow you to get the valuable experience from an internship, from the comfort of your own home! Sounds great right?…

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How to Ace Your Applications – An Insight from a Year in Recruitment

During my sandwich placement with Step Recruitment, I have learnt about the different recruitment processes and how a candidate can ace their application. Guilty as charged – I often made the same mistakes I have seen throughout my sandwich placement. Below are a range of insights and tips I have picked up along the way:…

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How to survive your first weeks at uni

How to survive your first weeks at uni The first few weeks of university can be quite overwhelming, you’re away from home, living with a bunch of strangers in a city you are unfamiliar with. But do not panic! We have produced a survival guide for the first few weeks at university that will prepare…

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Getting A Job In The Big City With A Creative Degree – GUEST BLOG

It is an exciting time to be starting a creative career – the creative industries in the UK are booming. According to the government’s 2018 employment statistics, the creative industries added new job postings at twice the rate of other industries. The UK’s major cities all have thriving creative scenes filled with many opportunities. This…

Ruby Clarkson

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Why Leadership is important to us all – GUEST BLOG

Why Leadership is important to us all It is easy to dismiss Leadership Skills as “something I need to learn later on when the need comes up.“ For someone starting in a smaller pond, working with fewer people in a small business or a new graduate starting their career, it may make sense to set…

Darren Smith

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Tips for International Students

Tips for International Students from an International Graduate! You have been accepted to a university in the UK, your visa has been granted and you are ready to start your student life in the UK. Now what? Planning is always a good start to settling in and to get the best out of university life.…


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A student’s guide to settling in a student house

Danny is a second-year undergraduate at Nottingham Trent University. Here are his tips on finding and settling in a student house. Most people live in university halls in their first year, and then move into a house with their group of friends. It sounds like a simple process, however, navigating the sticky mess of admin…


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It’s not you, it’s me…

At Step, we have a regular spot on our website asking visitors for their insight into student and graduate behaviours. At the beginning of this summer, just as the new cohort of graduates were entering the jobs market, we asked visitors how long they expected to stay in their first graduate role. And the results,…

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